
The information below is from Desert Spring 2020. This page will be updated closer to the 2021 dance weekend. At this time no significant changes are expected for 2021.

Thank you for submitting you registration form. An email has been sent to the email address provided in the form confirming your registration. Please check for it in your spam folder if you don’t see it in your email inbox.

Your registration for Desert Spring 2020 isn’t complete until payment has been received.  If registering more than 1 person, please complete a form for each person. You may make one check or payment through PayPal (by credit card or PayPal account) for the cost of all dancers. A confirmation email will be sent when your payment has been received.

Create New Registration Form:
To create a new registration form, click on Registration on the menu at the top of the webpage.

Pay by Check:
To pay by check, make check payable to: Dance In AZ
Mail Check to: Margaret Morgan, Treasurer
2225 E Main St., Lot 11
Mesa, AZ 85213
See Registration Options below for the fee amount.

Pay by PayPal:
To pay by Paypal click the ‘Donate’ button below. Payments can be made by using a Paypal account or by credit card (no Paypal account required).

Registration Options – Desert Spring 2020:
1. Note
– The amount of your registration option below,
– Plus any donation you may want to make.
2. Either
– Enter it in the PayPal window after clicking the ‘Donation’ button below, or
– Send a check in that amount to our Treasurer (address above).

– Regular dancer – Paypal, $165 (incl. $5 PayPal fee)
– Regular dancer – Check, $160
– Younger dancer, 30 and under – Paypal, $85 (incl. $5 PayPal fee)
– Younger dancer, 30 and under – Check, $80
– Non-dancer – Paypal or Check, $25

NOTE: Due to Dance In AZ’s nonprofit status, Paypal provides a ‘Donate’ button. Registration payments are not a donation, except for any amount donated to the scholarship fund.

For questions regarding payment or your registration, contact our registrar, Deborah at